posted without permission because this amazing detailed set of questions needs to be shared in hopes to start getting some answers from this "Government".
From The Leaders of The Fight Against
The Perth Freight Link
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Please let us know if you receive an answer from the government to any of these questions.
We've made a start, but my head is about to explode and there are so many more unanswered questions. What questions do you have?
Things the government isn't telling us:
* Will the tollway be dedicated, in whole or part, to trucks?
* Do you propose to keep trucks and cars separate?
* How do you propose to keep trucks and cars separate?
* What will be the maximum speed on the tollway?
* What is the maximum speed used or assumed in the 2014 Business Case for the PFL when calculating time savings for trucks travelling to the port?
* Will there be any limit on the size of the trucks allowed on the tollway? What is it?
* Will Section 2 of the PFL be 6 lanes or 8 lanes or a bit of both?
* If Section 2, Option 1 is selected, will the PFL replace existing lanes or be in addition to the existing lanes on a) Stock Road; b) Leach Highway; c) High Street; and d) Stirling Highway?
* At the East Fremantle end of the PFL (the Bottleneck), how will you merge the 3 or 4 lanes of traffic from the tollway with the existing 2 lanes of traffic on Stirling Highway to go north across the bridge?
* What is the expected peak delay for trucks at the Bottleneck?
* Will the expected peak delay for trucks at the Bottleneck be greater than the expected time otherwise saved by the PFL?
* What is the expected peak delay for cars at the Bottleneck?
* How will the congestion caused by the Bottleneck affect traffic on Canning Highway, Stirling Highway, High Street, Leach Highway, Curtin Avenue and other local roads?
* How will the congestion caused by the Bottleneck affect air quality in East Fremantle?
* How will the congestion caused by the Bottleneck affect noise in East Fremantle?
* Will the greenhouse gases caused by the delays at the Bottleneck be greater than, equal to, or less than the greenhouse gases expected to be saved by diesel trucks not having to go through the traffic lights on Leach Hwy?
* If you compulsorily acquire homes and commercial properties, will they be valued as if the PFL was not there or as if the PFL was there or nearby?
* What would be the difference between the two valuation methodologies, in general terms, and which methodology will be advantageous to the owners?
* If Section 2, Option 2 goes ahead, how many homes and commercial properties will need to be compulsorily (or otherwise) acquired?
* How will you ensure that damage to properties caused by any tunnelling is properly identified and recompensed without undue hardship to the owners?
* If Section 1 (Roe 8) goes ahead, how many homes and commercial properties will need to be compulsorily (or otherwise) acquired?
* If you delay Section 2, but you build Section 1 (Roe 8), will you a) make changes to Stock Road, North Lake Road and other roads to cope with the increased traffic from Roe 8 in accordance with the plans submitted to the EPA; or b) build only what is necessary for the PFL, on the assumption that Section 2 will go ahead, and if the latter, what will be the effect on traffic of Roe 8?
* If you delay Section 2, but you build Section 1 (Roe 8), how much money will be spent making changes to Stock Road, North Lake Road and other roads to cope with the increased traffic from Roe 8 that a) wouldn't be required for Section 2; or b) will need to be redone if Section 2 goes ahead?
* How long will construction of each part of the PFL take?
* What air quality monitoring is the government currently doing in relation to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3, sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and particles, including diesel fuel particulates, (PM10 and PM2.5)?
* How will traffic on the PFL (in 2019 and 2031) affect air quality in the immediate vicinity?
* In 2013, diesel fuel particulates were recognised by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of the World Health Organisation, as being (Group 1) carcinogenic to humans. What improved air quality monitoring will the government put in place to monitor diesel fuel particulate levels and when?
* The City of Paris is moving to ban all diesel fuelled engines within city limits by 2022. The first changes came into effect on 1 July 2015. Why does the government consider it appropriate to bring greater numbers of diesel fuelled vehicles into Perth suburbs?
* Will the government impose tighter vehicle emission standards in light of the increased diesel fuelled traffic that the PFL will bring into the suburbs and inner cities?
* What vehicle emission standards are proposed?
* How will air quality be monitored a) along the PFL; b) in sections of the PFL that have walls; in sections of the PFL that are in a trench; and in the tunnel (if Section 2, Option 2 goes ahead)?
* How and where will exhaust from the tunnel be released into the atmosphere?
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