Monday 31 August 2015

Perth Freight Link Tendering Companies

 All three lead companies tendering for the Roe 8 extension of the Perth Freight Link project have made statements proclaiming their commitment to the environment and communities – but will they stand by those statements, leaving the Beeliar Wetlands and our communities intact?

Leighton Contractors: 
Their Environmental Strategy states they are “building a future that….safeguards the natural environment” and outlines a commitment to ‘minimising the impact of our business activities on the environment and surrounding communities’.

 So what are they doing bidding for a project that will destroy our Kings Park of the South?

Write to the CEO of Leighton Contractors, Roman Garrido today.

Clough’s annual report states “Our goal is Zero Harm to our people, the environment and communities in which we work”.

So how can building a highway through the most popular recreation area in Perth’s south be ‘zero harm’ to communities?

Write to Clough CEO Kevin Gallagher today.

The BGC website says “Our aim is to always conduct business in line with the community’s desire to protect the natural environment”.

Then why do they want to build a road that will destroy the Beeliar Wetlands against the community’s wishes?

Write to BGC CEO Greg Heylen today. 

*There are actually 14 companies involved in the tendering bids. Our campaign is targeting the lead 3 but the full list is below.


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